Saturday 19 May 2018

How to achieve dispassionate detached attitude and yet remain motivated to work?

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached. - Simone Weil

1) Focus on your self: Instead of wasting energy on your flaws, shortcomings, and everything that is lacked, utilize your energy on inspiring your inner growth. How? By focusing on your gifts and strengths and devote your time and energy to flourish them further. Be a committed gardener to a self. A tree cannot walk, yet it grows. Identification of self helps it to grow.

2) Identify Self: Sticking to the idea of "Self" is everything because that is independent of all the happenings in our life. Does our core gets disturbed to take a roller coaster ride when someone strip our life at work or in our relationship or is it at peace irrespective of happenings in our surroundings? Question self to identify self

3) Find the options: At the time of event we usually perform in our best possible way with the emotions of human life including of fear, greed, patience, anger and likes. How should we grow? When you are at peace - repeat the entire incident that happened with an exception of giving yourself an option to ponder on what other responses were available to you?

4) Choose the best option: When you question your self in peace, you will find many available options which would be much different from the one that you gave at the time of event. Now repeat the same incident again in your mind with an exception of your response. Everything is same - however your response at the moment is the one which you have selected when you are at peace. When this done repeatedly, our response when next similar event comes by, is much detached with a motivation of reaching a conclusion.

5) Concentrate on self talk: Maximum time you spend is with your self. Maximum words you speak in your life is with your self. In short you are the one who can motivate you or demotivate you. External factors has no impact on ourselves.

6) Find a purpose: We as a human are here to perform our duties and leave this world. We are the slaves of the universe. Purpose of the maid is to clear the dirt and leave. She can't say I clear your place and hence own this place. Purpose of the cook is to cook the food and leave. Purpose of the teacher is to teach the subject and leave. Purpose of the employee is to work and leave. Purpose of the relationship is to exchange love and leave. Purpose of the trade is to take the profit / loss and leave. So find your purpose, do the work and just leave. How to find a purpose? Talk to self.

7) Concentrate on the permanent: It is said nothing is permanent - your relationships, your trades, your money, your achievements, your successes, your failures, your life, your body. Nothing is permanent. Only thing that is permanent is Atma and Permatma. Once you have found your purpose concentrate on choosing the activities that strengthen your soul. How? By being in Parmatma consciousness. Everytime we have an options to choose from, seek advise from Parmatma - he will always guide you in the right direction.

8) Live in present: Past and Future both doesn't belong to us. We all know that. Yet we keep talking about the past and future all the time with hardly any importance given to the present. Did you knew when you were in your Mom's womb who will you be today? Do you know which day you will be born again? It is simple we will never know our future. Defining probability is other story. However certainty is of only present. How to live in present? Follow the gems: Smile, be thankful, spread appreciation, love more and talk to self.

9) Answer every question: Don't keep your queries unanswered. When you talk to self and your self ask you a query, answer it quickly. How? Check your self talk at the time of crises - it would be most of the times negative talks of the people including yourself involved in an event. Answer yourself immediately with the positive answer and close the chapter. How?

Boss slammed a door on your face inspite of your hard work and dedication? Isn't it rude? Your answer to self is - Yes it is rude. However, he might be in bad mood and is suffering. Bless him - he needs more. Bless yourself for putting all the efforts as per your abilities. Remember - your boss, your work - is temprorary but your thoughts, your self will remain with you till eternity

Colleagues don't appreciate your new ideas? Feeling bad? Answer it quickly - acceptance of new changes always takes time.

Remember, detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you. Stay motivated. Live your purpose, love, spread happiness and just concentrate on growing self.


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